In this article, you will find the 35 top digital marketing tips you can use to improve your market position, generate new leads, drive new customers to your business, and increase your sales. We will also provide you with the proper guidance that will lead you to a larger audience online, including SEO, content marketing, remarketing, video, paid advertising, social media, etc.

Best online marketing tips


  1. Set your online marketing goals

Setting objectives for your digital marketing strategies is considered one of the best online marketing tricks you must follow. A goal is important in digital marketing as it directs your business to a specific purpose and vision. Plus, it is also crucial to have measurable objectives that will help you gain important insights into how effective your campaigns and strategies are for growth, performance, and sales.

A great trick we suggest for online marketing is to set a SMART goal for any of your objectives—SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. This practice helps you reveal specific outcomes, decide how possible it is to achieve what you want, and if you can achieve it by a given deadline.


  1. Focus on the right target audience

Another thing you can do to grow is to discover your business’s target audience. In online marketing, if you have no idea who your potential and active customers are, you have no chance to expand your business or make the right decisions regarding your SMART goals.

You must get valuable insights into your target audience, including their interests, how they engage with your business, their buying behaviors, etc. Remember, Your customers are the best resource to give you the most effective digital marketing content ideas. And that’s why you always need to meet their needs and focus on your customers’ interests.

Read More: 100 SEO Tips for small businesses. 

A great trick marketing professionals mostly use to focus on the right target audience for their business is creating a buyer persona for their perfect type of customer. But what is a buyer persona? It is a “semi-fictional” portrayal of what your ideal customer is like based on online marketing research and the data collected on your current clients.

In simple terms, the moment you have all this information in your hand, you will be able to create the best digital marketing campaign for your business to attract the right customers.


  1. Incorporate SEO 

Another great online marketing tip is incorporating SEO (search engine optimization) into your online content strategy. SEO directs to the method of optimizing your pages and website to increase your online traffic from Google and other search engines (Yahoo and Bing). You need to know more about search engine optimization because it is a great long-term strategy for digital marketing that targets organic traffic (unpaid/free traffic).

Another important thing you need to view is that every piece of content you publish on your site needs to be perfectly optimized for SEO. Here is how to write correctly optimized content for your website:

  • Choose relevant keywords or terms for your business or company type.
  • Place those keywords in the correct position throughout the content.
  • Make those key terms visible to web crawlers.


  1. Include content marketing 

Integrating content marketing into your digital marketing strategies is one of the best online marketing tips for B2B and B2C companies. Content marketing can help you drive more qualified customers to your company/business and is more effective than trying to convince others to buy your products & services.

That’s what an effective marketing strategy includes: 

  • Blog posts.
  • Videos.
  • Audio files.
  • Images.
  • Social media posts.
  • Presentations.
  • Webinars.
  • Etc.

Plus, a great online marketing strategy correctly answers your target audience’s questions without necessarily selling them a product and service. You need to know that creating helpful content and sharing it with your customers can help you establish trust and develop strong online relationships. Plus, producing such content can generate leads and improve your conversion rate.


  1. Be strategic with SEM (Social Media Marketing) 

Even though people are very tempted to promote their business on every social media platform, the thing is that not all social media channels are suitable for your business type. So, TikTok is one of the most popular platforms at the moment, but if your target audience is not on that network, it would be useless to invest in promoting your business there.

You also need to know that to develop a great digital marketing plan for all social media platforms, you need to work hard and put in a lot of effort and full-time dedication to get it right. That’s why it would be best to choose the right platform you are convinced your clients are hanging out with and trying to dominate. Then, once you create a strong online presence on that platform, you can take a step toward other platforms that bring in more revenue for your business or company.


  1. Use email marketing 

If your website is getting you many email addresses and growing a massive list, you need to consider using email marketing for your business. Email marketing is one of the best online channels for generating hot leads, turning leads into potential customers, and turning customers into brand evangelists.

Referring to industry statistics, this marketing channel’s ROI (return on investment) is $42 for every $1 spent. ActiveCampaigns, ConvertKit, and MailChimp are some of the best platforms for email marketing.

The first thing to get started is to add a lead “magnet” to your site. The goal is to do anything that will enable you to get your customer’s email addresses. For example, you can offer an ebook, template, guide, webinar, case study, white paper, PDF, video, discount, or free offer.

Then, it is a period to set up an email welcome sequence that will automatically be sent to all your new subscribers. An email welcome sequence comprises three to four emails introducing your subscribers to your company, core values, products & services, and business goals.

You need to maintain your audience and keep them engaged with your website by setting up a routine schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). For mailing newsletters, it all depends on how often you want to be in touch with your current and potential clients. In addition, you need to make your emails look professional and helpful and spark people’s interest. To master the art of email marketing, look at one of the top web resources: Email Marketing Heroes.


  1. Understanding Mobile Marketing 

Mobile marketing refers to an online marketing strategy that manages to reach an audience through mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and more. Mobile marketing counts over 5 billion worldwide mobile users, of which 53% are using mobile devices to view websites on the web, and 46% are on PCs (desktop computers). Given that, you can see that knowing how to proceed properly with email marketing is crucial to providing your company’s success and longevity.

Here are some directions you can incorporate into your business for success:

  • Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.
  • Make a mobile app for your business.
  • Encourage the audience to download the mobile app.
  • Send promotions through the app or via SMS text messages.
  • Invest in mobile ads-in; this way, you can reach customers as they are surfing the web.


  1. Make use of PPC marketing. 

PPC marketing (pay-per-click) is a digital advertising form companies use to create online ads and only pay for the clicks on those advertisements by online users. Usually, PPC ads appear on websites, social media platforms, and search engines. The main goal of Pay-Per-Click marketing is to attract more customers to your site to generate more leads and sales.

Remember, to acquire the most out of your paid ad campaigns; you need to be specific about some elements, including:

  • Target demographics.
  • Long-tail keywords.
  • Set a maximum CPC (cost-per-click) for your ads.
  • Set a daily budget for any of your ads.
  • Refine your ad copy time after time.

Focus on such elements and keep improving until your ads generate the highest return on investment (ROI).

Here are the top platforms for running pay-per-click ads for online marketing:

  • Google Ads
  • Microsoft Ads
  • Reddit Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Quora Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  1. Earn from Display Advertising Marketing

As you saw in the last tip, it is possible to earn money from your site by letting the companies/businesses who pay for Pay-per-Click advertisements appear on your website. And this form of digital marketing is what we call display advertising marketing.

You need to sign up for an advertisement management platform (for example, Ezoic, Adthrive, or Mediavine) and let the advertisement technology do the rest. Their ad technology will manage everything related to bidding for advertisements placed on your website. And finally, you will be able to earn 75%-100% of the ad revenue.


  1. Know the benefits of SEM 

The meaning of SEM is an acronym for Search Engine Marketing, an online marketing strategy that used SEO and paid ad methods to boost the visibility of your website in the SERPs. If you want to gain an advantage and stand out from your competitors, the best thing to do would be to incorporate tips from SEO and PPC. Both are great digital strategies and can help you form a complete online marketing campaign for your business.

Below are some of the most meaningful advantages of Search Engine Marketing:

  • It makes your brand/company widely popular on channels.
  • It can target a certain audience or a specific type of client.
  • It can help you generate a higher conversion rate.
  • It enables you to maximize your results on a low budget.
  • It can allow you to fill in the blank gaps for every online channel.


  1. Consider affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing is an adjustment by which a certain company pays a fee as a commission to other companies who generate both referrals and sales for products & services. This tip is considered a great online marketing model because affiliate marketing motivates site owners and digital influencers to promote and sell your products & services for you. Furthermore, you don’t have to pay for anything until you make the first purchase and sell at least one of your products and services. And this explains why it is one of the most low-cost, effective digital marketing strategies for long-term growth.

You should set up a commission deal with the best sites in your niche to create the most out of this strategy. In this way, customers of such websites can trigger and visit your website, which can help you generate more sales. Then, you can create a free online sales team that can work full-time to expand your business.


  1. Invest in influencer marketing 

Unlike other online marketing tips that require a lot of time to implement, influencer marketing is a faster form of marketing that leads to success. This form of online marketing can help you skip all the effort related to SEO, social media strategies/campaigns, and paid ads while connecting directly to the best influencers in your market. You are paying them to do all the promotion work for your products & services. Most businesses use an excellent trick for better market positioning and quick sales; they include endorsements and product replacements from influencers on their social media channels, podcasts, websites, and videos.

Beneath you will find the most useful suggestions to follow to get better results for your business:

  • Define your marketing objectives/goals.
  • Reveal your target audience.
  • Pick the right influencer to partner with.
  • Set a budget.
  • Give the influencer the space and the control needed in order to promote your company/business authentically.
  1. Make use of video marketing. 

Today, internet videos make up over 82% of the general consumer’s online traffic, and 54% of online consumers admit they need to see more video content from a brand/business they support.

Take a look at the best tips you can follow for creating an effective video SEO strategy:

  • Create an online video posting schedule.
  • Set a goal for each one of your videos.
  • Produce tutorials and demos of all your products.
  • Share your story about your business/company.
  • Display your brand’s identity.
  • Involve only loyal customers in user-generated content.
  • Optimize your videos for SEO.
  • Insert a CTA in each video.
  • Measure your results to see if you are making any progress.
  • Create more videos with relevant content that can lead to success and meet your business goals.
  1. Learn audio marketing 

Audio marketing is an excellent online marketing method because it helps you extend your online marketing campaigns and is essential in sales. A survey revealed that almost 60% of podcast listeners purchase a brand after hearing it advertised. The survey also showed that “podcast advertisements get 4.4 times better brand recall than advertisements on other online platforms”.

And those statistics come with an explanation; for many people, listening to audio files seems to be a more convenient method for buying something than just looking at visual or textual content. Plus, people are more likely to consume any audio content in specific places where a PC or mobile device would grab more attention-it and needs to be distracting enough for a large audience or group of people, for example, in a grocery store, during exercise, etc.

That’s why learning to create audiobooks and podcasts for your target audience properly is important for creating a great digital marketing strategy.


  1. Use remarketing online 

Remarketing, also comprehended as retargeting, is one of the best digital marketing tips used by B2C businesses. Retargeting is an online advertising strategy that marks and collects users based on their previous behaviors (how they interact with a specific website). It is an effective method to attract people and make them return to your site, increase brand awareness, and generate more sales by increasing the product’s exposure.

If you want to use this online marketing tip, you need to insert a tracking pixel into your website. A pixel is a piece of code obtained by some advertising platforms, including Facebook, Google Ads, etc. After loading the pixel on your website, you will be able to track your site visitors on the web and see exactly what they are doing on your website. In addition, with a pixel loaded on your website, you will also be able to display the advertisements you pay for through Pay-Per-Click campaigns on different social media channels and websites that engage with the ad network.


  1. Marketing for brand awareness

Increasing brand awareness online is another great trick you can use in online marketing. Brand cognition is a marketing term that represents your audience’s knowledge of your brand. Given that, you understand that increasing brand awareness online will make your brand name more memorable and recognizable to your target audience.

The best method to improve brand awareness is to create and distribute your content wherever possible. In this way, your brand will appear anywhere your customers are online.


  1. Study direct response marketing 

Direct response marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to encourage an instant response from a specific audience to generate new leads rapidly for your business. For example, suppose you are interested in improving your skill set in online marketing. In that case, you must focus on direct response marketing, as it is one of the fastest ways to generate higher profits for your company.

Direct response marketing merges persuasion, the power of copywriting, and consumer psychology to encourage people to take a specific action. For example, I am buying a low-priced product, downloading a free offer, opting into an email list, setting up a consultation, and so on.

Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing is the best website you can use as a resource to find the top online marketing tips for direct response. The website includes anything that can help you master the art of direct response, such as blogs, podcasts, newsletters, and books.


  1. Increase CRO (conversion rate optimization)

CRO refers to the practice of maximizing the percentage of people who act on a specific website, for example, making a purchase, downloading an offer, filling out a form, or even clicking a button. Conversion rate optimization is another model of online marketing that aims to lower customer acquisition costs by increasing each website visitor’s value.

Here are some of the most reasonable ways to improve the conversion rate for your website:

  • Add a pop-up form.
  • Include testimonials, recognizable brand logos, and reviews.
  • Take away all of the unnecessary form fields.
  • Detach all navigation menus from landing web pages.
  • Keep one CTA on each page.
  • Reinforce your call-to-action copy.
  • Optimize the color and design of your call-to-action buttons.
  • Make it easy for your new customers to get started.
  • A/B various headlines.
  • Install LiveChat on your website.


  1. Create a digital marketing plan 

If you are earnest about developing your business, you need to know all of the best tips and tricks for online marketing. Then, you need to set up a digital marketing plan to apply everything you have learned and implement those techniques into your business.

Creating an online marketing plan is essential for your business because:

  • It helps you identify your target audience and market.
  • It outlines the right tactics to drive more customers into your business.
  • It lets you list the best methods for encouraging your current customers to keep making purchases.
  • It provides various strategies and the best techniques to expand your business.

Setting up a formalized marketing plan can help you decide on the next steps that will lead you to achieve your goals and grow your business.


  1. Analyze online marketing campaigns 

Analyzing your online marketing campaigns periodically is a great strategy you can use to expand your business. As we mentioned, you need to create SMART objectives for your digital marketing campaigns and then measure the performance for your business goals. However, it may happen that some strategies won’t work out as you planned, and that’s when you need to analyze the results and understand why. By measuring KPIs (key performance indicators) related to all your marketing goals, you can get insights into which tactics hindered or helped reach your target goal for specific metrics. Then, if needed, you can arrange your marketing plan and do anything it takes to improve your company’s or business’s long-term growth.

More online marketing tips & tricks 

  1. Look for quick wins in digital marketing 

When executing your online marketing campaigns, it is important to always look for instant results. If you find them, double down on those techniques to increase your marketing efforts’ ROI (return on investment). The main rule to follow in business is the 80/20 rule, which declares that 80% of the outputs come from 20% of the inputs. This strategy will highlight your business’s most practical and productive inputs and prioritize them.


  1. Create a clear marketing message 

You must develop a one-sentence pitch and keep that message consistent throughout your online marketing efforts. Even though it may sound boring, this tactic can help speed up success for your business. However, be careful not to promote multiple offerings simultaneously because that will dilute your marketing message and lower your brand’s marketing positioning.


  1. Start repurposing content online. 

Another top online marketing tip is repurposing each piece of your content into 5, 10, 20, or more online marketing assets you can share on the Internet. This tip can help you revive every piece of your content you have created before to bring more people to your website.


  1. Set up automation for routine tasks 

Another excellent tip for your online marketing strategy is to look for ways to automate parts of your routine tasks. This tip can save time and help you focus on more critical tasks. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Set up an email automation-it can be a welcome or an abandoned cart sequence.
  • Use social sharing plugins; they can automatically share your new blog posts on various social media platforms.
  • Get marketing software-it will automatically send you weekly analytic reports.
  • Use keyword tracking software – it monitors your site’s ranking position in search engine results pages.


  1. Focus on Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing focuses on creating and distributing content that attracts new customers or clients to your business. It is a great solution that helps you attract only potential customers and the best prospects on the hunt for your business’s online marketing solutions. That means that you don’t have to do anything to convince them or entice them to purchase one of your products and services.


  1. Publish more blog posts 

Statistics show that almost 77% of online users read blog posts, and 82& of digital marketers experience a positive ROI from blogging regularly. The more blogs your site has, the more likely your brand will rank in Google for relevant keywords. On top of that, blogging is a great way to increase the free, organic traffic you get from search engine optimization.

  1. Use the right digital marketing tools.  

There are lots of online marketing tools out there that can help you with your digital marketing strategies. Hence, you must be careful and choose wisely the devices you want to invest in. You must also select the right software to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.


  1. Understand marketing analytics 

It is important to understand what marketing analytics is and how it works. The reason for that is that understanding marketing analytics better can help you evaluate and monitor the performance of your online marketing strategies. That’s why selecting the best key performance indicators (KPIs) to get valuable insights and optimize your online marketing efforts based on that data is important.


  1. Track the right key performance indicators 

There are numerous KPIs available in digital marketing, but you need to choose those that are most relevant to your business. Here are some of the best KPIs to track:

  • Marketing Revenue Attribution
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Lead-to-Customer ratio
  • Traffic-to-Lead Ratio
  • Customer Acquisition Cost
  • Landing Page Conversion Rates
  • SEO benchmarks (pageviews, time on site, user sessions, bounce rate)
  1. Use cross-channel marketing 

Cross-channel marketing, also called omnichannel marketing, is an online strategy mix of various digital channels (email, SMS text messaging, social media, mobile apps) that can help you reach your target audience. But, of course, you can’t expect to reach your target audience in your target market by only promoting your business on a single platform.


  1. Know how to do A/B testing 

Split testing, or A/B testing, is a great online marketing trick that can help you decide which strategies are the best for delivering the highest ROI (return on investment) for your business. So put, A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a certain website to find out which one of the two performs better. The main goal of split testing is to determine a winner so you can use it for your next A/B test to maximize the ROI of your digital marketing.


  1. Use GMB for local marketing. 

A GMB Profile is essential for every type of business, primarily if your company depends on local customers. A Google My Business Profile makes your business visible on Google and helps customers easily find out what they are searching for. You also need to correctly add keywords to GMB to improve the search engine optimization for your Google My Business Profile to rank higher on Google’Google’s engine.


  1. Focus on low-competition topics 

Focusing on low-competition topics for your site content is an easy online marketing trick you can use to compete with your rivals. Usually, brands go after the most used keywords, as they deliver high site traffic revenue. But focusing on low-competition keywords is a better strategy because such keywords are easy to rank on search motors like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.


  1. Outsource marketing tasks 

Hiring a marketing agency or freelancer to handle some marketing tasks is an excellent long-term investment for your company/business. With this method, you have more time to focus on those tasks that deliver the highest ROI for your business. Here are the most common examples of outsourcing for online marketing:

  • Blog post uploading
  • Blog post formatting
  • Social media posting
  • Bookkeeping and accounting
  • Influencer outreach
  • Article writing
  • Backlink building


  1. Be flexible with online marketing 

As online marketing keeps changing, businesses must always be flexible with their online strategies and campaigns to remain relevant to their audience. In addition, rules and ranking algorithms are also changing for some platforms, and you need to adapt your business to such changes and take advantage of the new opportunities that come your way.

As you discovered in this article, you can use many digital marketing tips and tricks to expand your online business. You need to choose the best digital marketing tip from the list to create a powerful online marketing strategy for your business to succeed.